.. money for nothing and chicks for free!
The Dorftrottels just got invited. Twice actually. By email.. To the awards. We should be there for the appetizers by 7:15 pm latest the mail said. And since it’s free of charge – so the advice -we could bring family, friends and pick up some homeless folks along the way.
Well, as a homeless person there might be no free lunch – babe – but one can certainly stuff oneself on sponsored appetizers. And vote(!) that is, for the person one is told to vote for.
We know- we know – we know.. it was probably intended as a joke. Just a “mind(ed)less” joke (by a mindless bloke?), but it got us thinking.
Thinking about democracy.. or recalling the times we (oops, that should be ME, because the dog hasn’t been there yet) have been homeless and living in the back of a chevrolet pickup while working at a famous restaurant in Northern California.
We’ve been busy the last two days. The wifi-connection out our back window has been excellent, so we’ve been reading blogs up and down the Swiss aggregates. Of course Mr. Von Flohheim doesn’t read, so PAZ reads out loud
(it’s helpful if you have a less than perfect command of the blogged language, in our case that’s french and italian. Rumantsch is a hopeless case and in turkish almost all we know is “brrs – brrs” (fast – fast, or quick – quick).
Mr. Von Flohheim usually wags his tail or growls..
You see, we take our job seriously. We want to know what we have to write about. And we tell you, there are absolutely magnificient blogs out there, none of them nominated.. Blogs of people that have to say something. And it’s not about what they had for breakfast, or which gadget they just bought and play with. Not about what car they adore or would like to have. Not about shaving..
Maybe we’ll pick up some homeless people and bring them along. If we go after the countdown at the official SbAW-site, we’ll be some hours early in Bienne/Biel..
We ourself didn’t nominate, nor will we take part in the voting process. Our ethic standard demands strict independance..
In depen dance, yeah!!
enuff said for tonight..
One Comment
Hi PAZ! Nice to read from you. I wish you all the best at the blog awards
(which are going to happen tomorrow, as I just saw) and yes, do as you’ve been invited
and bring some homeless people and with them a part of the real life in the virtual
blogger’s world. Have a nice trip to Biel and keep on going strong.