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BlogTour de Suisse: Climb to the Stars

I’d like to start the BlogTour de Suisse with Climb to the Stars. Steph has been blogging since July 2000, if the archives are any indication – an oldtimer even by international standards. I mean that in an entirely positive way.

She writes in English and French, and I’m very grateful the French posts have English abstracts (and vice versa). Ça m’aide Ă? amĂ©liorer mon Français!

Recently, Steph completed a gargantuan task: A review of 13 hosted blog platforms! Very useful for anyone interested in blogging. The reviewed hosts were listening and gave direct feedback in the comments.

What’s more, she organized the first ever Bloggy Friday in Switzerland, which gave us shy SwissGermans the courage to start our own blog meets (next one is in Basel).

Last but not least, Steph maintains the Swissblogs directory. Very recommended for browsing, there’s hidden treasures there.

What else can I say? Have a nice trip to Paris, Steph!


  1. Steph wrote:

    Wow, well, I’m honoured! Thanks a lot for the nice post and all the kind words :-)

    Saturday, January 1, 2005 at 02:37 | Permalink
  2. Matthias wrote:

    Now I know why I can’t sleep, Steph – it’s because I had to read your comment! A Happy New Year and all that, and enjoy your trip. I’m envious.

    Saturday, January 1, 2005 at 02:51 | Permalink