This is for all you people who are planning to blog the Swiss Blog Awards event live:
- Make sure your blog is registered at
- Blog about the show while you’re there
- Make sure to include the tag sbawlive in your posting. Here is the code, just copy and paste this into your posting:
Technorati Tag: <a href="" rel="tag">sbawlive</a>
- And Presto! your blog posting will magically appear on the Official Swiss Blog Awards Blog, of course with a link to your blog. Wow!
- Please use this tag only for entries related to the live event. Violators will be prosciutto.
- Minor detail: If your blog is configured to ping, your posting should appear at within a couple minutes. If not, the robot will pick it up on the hour, every hour.
Thank you, Chregu at bitflux, for running the Planet and letting us leech the feed.
Oh, and there’s something else: If you’re one of the official Live Bloggers and blogging in the Swiss Blog Awards Blog, you don’t need to include the tag, obviously.
One Comment
Just as a technical sidenote: For the Planet, you don’t have to link to Technorati to make a tag, the rel=”tag” attribute is enough. So something like
<a href=”” rel=”tag”>sbawlive</a> works too.
And btw, it takes dc:subject elements from the RSS elements also as tags. That’s what Technorati does and that’s also where Flux CMS for example “hides” the “tags” information in the RSS feed.
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[…] Eines versteh ich aber nicht ganz. Ist Englisch zu sprechen eine Voraussetzung um das Geschehen in der Schweizer "Blogawardsszene" verfolgen zu können? Siehe z.B hier und hier und bei diesem hier habe ich für alle "nur" deutsch-, französisch- und italienisch sprechenden SchweizerInnen eine Übersetzung bei Babelfish machen lassen. And now the result – und hier das Resultat : […]